Every day, thousands of employees with an intellectual disability or ASD are driving innovation, enhancing consumer loyalty, and enriching workplace culture in organizations across the country.

Join Ready, Willing & Able in shining a spotlight on National Disability Employment Awareness Month and celebrating the achievements and positive contributions of Canadian employees living with a disability, including those with an intellectual disability or ASD.

To learn more about National Disability Employment Awareness Month and how you can contribute, visit http://www.ndeam.ca/ndeam_canada.shtml  or https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2017/10/government_of_canadahighlightsnationaldisabilityemploymentawaren.html

For more information on the benefits that hiring individuals with an intellectual disability or ASD can bring to your business, reach out to a RWA staff member in your community or visit http://readywillingable.ca/benefits-of-ready-willing-able/